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Poetic & Chic is the online home of Annie Wilson - a writer, retailer, and overall creative professional. Her original Poetic & Chic blog ran from 2006-2013, contemplating fashion, film, art, and culture. An edited archive is available to read on the Essays page.

Annie's professional background is in corporate retail, running the gamut from luxury fashion to mass market home goods. She specializes in product knowledge development, believing that a brand’s sales associates are their best asset and should be equipped with clear and comprehensive tools to support their sales efforts.

In late 2015, she took a break from the corporate world to travel and hiked the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Upon her return she has been contributing her knowledge to every size of retail business, helping them to thrive and grow. She started a podcast on the San Francisco retail world in 2021: The Door Stays Open.

Annie is completing her first novel and is actively seeking a literary agent.